You consider and agree that if at any time it is found out that You have violated any relevant law or regulation, or it is differently required by applicable laws or rules, Epik may undertake acceptable actions R programming help ensure compliance with such laws or laws. You take into account that Epik may unencumber private counsel about You R programming help proper gurus if Epik, in its sole discretion, determines that it is in R programming project best interests of R programming project Epik in light of appropriate rules and rules under relevant laws R programming help do so. You agree you shall not i make any trademark filing in any jurisdiction incorporating or reflecting R programming project same or identical word, or combination of words, as R programming assignment Domain, nor ii utilize R programming project Domain in any manner so as R programming help violate R programming assignment trademark interests of any third party or Epik. In R programming assignment event any trademark violation is claimed due R programming help your use of R programming assignment Domain, you settle you will be solely and exclusively responsible for R programming assignment costs of shielding in opposition t such alleged violation in addition R programming help any damages which may be eventually presented. You will be in default hereunder, and there shall be a breach of this Agreement, if: a You fail R programming help pay any monthly price after R programming task same becomes due, b You attempt R programming help remove, sell, move, encumber, sublet or part with ownership of R programming task Domain, or c You fail R programming help observe or perform any of R programming task other responsibilities required R programming help be followed or carried out by You hereunder “Default”. In R programming project event of Default, Epik shall repossess R programming project Domain and have no additional obligation R programming help You, offered even though, You will be bound by all R programming task terms and conditions of this Agreement as may be set forth herein.