The multi argument constructors quote illegal characters as required by R programming assignment accessories through which they give the impression of being. The % character ‘%’ is always quoted by these constructors. Any other characters are preserved. The getRawUserInfo, getRawPath, getRawQuery, getRawFragment, getRawAuthority, and getRawSchemeSpecificPart methods return R programming project values of their corresponding accessories in raw form, without interpreting any escaped octets. The strings back by these strategies may contain both escaped octets and other characters, and will not comprise any unlawful characters. The getUserInfo, getPath, getQuery, getFragment, getAuthority, and getSchemeSpecificPart strategies decode any escaped octets in their corresponding accessories. orgaskdavetaylor. comau. solutions. yahoo. comauthors. iop. Sc. , Computer ScienceTexas Tech University 1991 1992Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Oklahoma 1983 1985Engineering, PhysicsExperiencenonPareil Institute January 2013 Present TeacherTube, LLC April 2008 January 2013 Texas Instruments 1988 2008 SkillsJava, . NET, Team Building, Software Development, Java Enterprise Edition, Project Management, AJAX, Team Leadership, VB. NET, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual C, MySQL Cluster, Flash Game Programming, Oracle Enterprise DBA, Web Services, HTML, REST, Solution Architecture, Subversion, Requirements Analysis, System Architecture, Agile Methodologies, MySQL, PL/SQL, XML, C, Web Applications, C, XSLT, Linux, C++, Android, Integration, Shell Scripting, Eclipse, Unix, Software Project. , Oracle, Visual Studio, SQL, Software Design, JavaScript, Apache, Databases, jQuery, Testing, Perl, OOP, Web Development, Software EngineeringOklahoma City, Oklahoma AreaCEO at OU PhysiciansHealth, Wellness and FitnessEducationUniversity of Oklahoma 1983 1985Masters, Public AdministrationPhillips University 1978 1982BS, Political ScienceExperienceOU Physicians July 2002 Present OPERS 2008 2014 University of Oklahoma July 2000 June 2002 Oklahoma State Senate 1993 November 1999 Oklahoma State Senate August 1984 November 1993 SkillsPublic Speaking, Non revenue, Nonprofits, Program Management, Microsoft Excel, Program Development, Research, Fundraising, Management, Healthcare, Policy, Leadership, Leadership Development, Entrepreneurship, Public Relations, Community Outreach, Strategic Planning, Team Building, Government, Organizational. S.